Friday, August 28, 2020

CHAPTER 1: Detective puts on a mystical mask this grant him, super powers but also send him vision and take of his control. part five

 --You think! I have been shooting my whole life, but actually; I start not but just some month before.

He reloads the revolver while speaks, then some reason he shot himself on head, and it seems like he drop dead.

 Doctor yells:
 --Nobody gives a fuck!

(Doctor is litle bit late, his REACTIONS on the situations, But on the third blog post it will show that HE cares) Next! End of THE second post and introduction of the first KeyPerson:

Anyways, this current KeyPerson, always ask too much for his tasks, also he start running out off his heritage, so they plans to find a new KeyPerson.(nne)[1]

Third post start::, all these post got them specific names on the original 3D-blog, here a collection of all the names of the posts:


The summoning from these podiums happens this way, form the skies comes big red laser it swap thru area as gather information. Not just one laser, but bunch of them that they turn a whole landscape to a red squared paper, they may check if there is any animals or humans and geography if any inclinations need to level down. Then laser show stops.

Then very rapid missiles fire from skies struck down, with might and great barrage, earthquakes...rumble clouds thunder, it is as like standing inside a big speaker. Everything in impact zone super dead and levelled down, vaporize glass and glass break to the tarmac.

Then the red laser re-appears it takes form of a very big polygon that is bottom edges of the incoming building. Soon from those red edges start oozing black substance that fills that red polygon. So odd is that black substance, hard to identify: Is it liquid? Or black light?

When the black shape is ready and all filled the black liquid from corners to middle, it appearing to be like some kind of hole suddenly, then a thing start arise from it, this black hole seem to be full off some dark gassy material. a thing that bee arise from it looks like black and white sketches of some big building, more it arise more concrete it got, less picture like, except no colours. When this ascending structure stop moving, it stay there for a moment, looking incomplete way that no colours, then massive KaBOOM!!* happens very bright explosion out of it, like several flash bang goes off same time or dozen suns arise. After the light bomb happening this fresh facility is fully functional and polished there are even some yard trees and beatifications like a fountain and protection robot and some transporting vehicles.

[1](nne)~not native English, I use to add this abbreviation end of every post on 3D-blog, so people don’t rise them the expectation too high.

Monday, August 24, 2020

When 1+1 is a three or more

Lately I been the learning C++ on, then I catch me eye a silly news, that some times,
1+1=3 Like family and breeding, I get idea to test my new skills on this subject

using namespace std;

class Pulsu {
    int Afterbreed;
    int BreedingRate;
    Pulsu () {};
    Pulsu (int x, int y){Afterbreed=x; BreedingRate=y;}
    Pulsu operator + (const Pulsu&);

Pulsu Pulsu::operator+ (const Pulsu& p) {
  Pulsu temp;
     temp.BreedingRate=int ((BreedingRate+p.BreedingRate)/2);
     temp.BreedingRate=int ((BreedingRate+p.BreedingRate+1)/2);//I notice these must alter to int or else //error
     //it is not int if like 3/2

  if( (Afterbreed-p.Afterbreed)<=0){
      temp.Afterbreed =(Afterbreed*2)+ (Afterbreed*temp.BreedingRate) -(Afterbreed-p.Afterbreed);
          temp.Afterbreed =(p.Afterbreed*2)+(Afterbreed*temp.BreedingRate) +(Afterbreed-p.Afterbreed);
  return temp;

int main () { 
  Pulsu Ratfemales={22,0};//22 is how many and 0 is breedinrate
  Pulsu Ratmales={15,3};
  Pulsu Ratfamily;
  cout << Ratfamily.Afterbreed <<'\n' ;
  return 0;
According  52 is answer.
Yes! and it was no 1+1 but 22+15 and breeding rate 0 and 3

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

CHAPTER 1: Detective puts on a mystical mask this grant him, super powers but also send him vision and take of his control. part four

You see detective is in big debt; house, detective tools and other things they all has them price, he don’t want regress to homeless wanderer again, he was that long time, just, not so long ago, before, he hate it. He still gets nasty flash pack of that time period. But now he is on big money, He looks a greedy that picture...

Next step of detective’s plan is was originally so bad and unoriginal that it will change before in 3D-blog IT was:

 Because his good friend a doctor has invent new lithium-base cola drink that make user blissfully and also make him more thirsty, so that he want drink more and more. But there is problem on product line, etc. where to get bottles etc. no bottles in wasteland. Here the answer is the magical podium.

But this New version why the detective and his boss needs a podium is, … anything!, use your imagination!, it is not important!, he just need that podium! He need that so much.

They[1] already had one KeyPerson on before, but good doctor accidently pick a wrong, facility from the menu. And KeyPerson got then bare, so they need now another.

Now story goes the place and time where they last time use the podium. It might also be A vision from the mask.

Doctor accidently pick a wrong, facility and he shout angrily[2], this provoke the detective to speak about his favourite subject:

the detective:

--I never do errors, on small things maybe, like long term situations like life choices, but where I aim that I always hit, newer miss newer tumble or fail, it is impossible to me I have edges in my strength and limit in speed, but on those scopes no errors happens, no faulty inside frames that those limits draws.

 For no reason, nobody is never interested the fact that he, the detective, can do no errors, he thinks this is very odd almost more strange that this his skills always success newer faulty. Why? People always ignore this topic; no matter how many times he tries to evoke conversation about this subject.
He like when situation escalate on point where he need school and show his skills, but then soon... “I told you so”

Most interest, here that it was always this way but, not so long ago.

Doctor no response, his talking point but ignore it all and just make the profanity, and anger. Again, detective start “I newer no error”-speak, also choose to show by a example, make little demonstration “look”-- he throws some things on the air then draw a revolver very very fast and shot those objects, while them still falling down, then he continue the talk...

[1] Doctor and Detective
[2] Good doctor shout because that his mist and click a wrong button and thus select a wrong thing.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Behind the big boulders they watch

Weak and tired very elongate howl:  “Sorry!...”  “I am so sorry!”  “sorry!..” wailing in the caverns, very locally the scenery.

Ed’s upper body leaning to a wall and lower body lying in the floor, his mask is off, drop near him after that big mash by the Gorom’s finger, his head look like badly mummify rotten skull, there still seem to be some connection between him and the mask, because weak magic smoke from mask nurture Ed look like twisted lazer or lean electric.

There is no mouth to move on that old corpse, but it is definitely Ed telepathically that make that “sorry sorry.” pathetic whine. The bigger magic steam than mask ever comes from big kitten that sitting in there that same hole liking it paw. It magic steam from it cat goes dark holes that appearing around it, appearing and disappearing.   It white, the cat seems be slowly vaporizing to that magic smoke that then sink on those blinking holes, it does not be in the pain it not even understand it’s fate. 

Some that cat-smoke get  bloody lying ratnoids bodies in the floor, just by diverge and overflow, also in Ed and his cool tats got some new bling* bling*.

All is dark; RatRat is in jail as a soul he is like hmm.. Scratching his head, then he “Oh lights get back on.” just emergency glow though and energy is no normal magic least not the usual kind. Different colour!  Then walls start speak and the glows in the glowing veins are on the beat with the speak.

~“I am sorry”

RatRat: “Not good, that, no help.”

voice: “I need a hand.”

RatRat:“Me no help.”

Voice: “Let’s make contract.”

RatRa: “Oh yeah contract!”

A levitating scroll appears near RatRat’s ghost’s head, also then old timey feather-quill and ink flask, RatRat write his “X” on the paper.

Yeah! yeah that windy wailing in the caverns then RatRat appears behind the corner holding his head: “Oi joi joi my head ough* ough*”

Ed (telepathically): “Oh! there you are! Pleas raise my mask near that big passive smoky cat.”
Ed:  “That must be another part of Cat lord his kitten side, those holes?... My old wish to send him in the underworld... the glass on his ball must somehow kept him, ... this part of him, here.”

Even Ed’s telepathic voice is weak and slow, he need sustenance –badly, he needs the heal, he need ... something maybe end –that ugly unnatural abomination. Maybe it is the drama-mask that needs a new wearer

Ed: “RatRat?”

RatRat curdles away.

Ed: “Do I need make everything myself.”

Drama-mask start glow blue and it then takes and fly near that etheric kitten  it float there some times and almost run of energy, but  then luckily one magic energy stream happens to hit on it, and then old very dead looking corpse in floor seems like getting simultaneously orgasm and electric shock CPR.
Ed puts mask back on, “Wow!! Me feel so alive, this power incredibly!!”

sadly  “I don’t have legs?” the lower body...

Ed: “Must be levitate.”

Ed Turn himself to a worm and water-bear, and thus way fix himself up, because he is level 6 shaman, because that magic from the cat, but then he lost his special shaman powers that he got from magic kitten because he is bird shaman not bear or worm shaman so he put himself on too much strain when he turn different animals that he has no natural inklings so poff* alone he still need turn a hummingbird to balance it all out.

Then he takes mask from floor, because it drops there when he was different small face things, and he says:

Ed: “I still much lack lower body”_ I must take the grandfathers long coat so no one notices, that I levitate around instead walking. _

Then he goes to acquire grandfather's coat, but...

Ed: “Shoot the Evil Bad Guy and that dark goddess have return. ” 

He watches them behind a big boulder; what them be doing, also he notices there is RatRat too, also looking them behind another boulder little closer to them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

HTML entity maker

First write &# then number in there at the list below and you can then use that HTML entity. Find more entities by changing the numbers.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

CHAPTER 1: Detective puts on a mystical mask this grant him, super powers but also send him vision and take of his control. part three

Here this second blog about my idea that is much this story that I post in 3D-blog much reprises... NOW!

I have been thinking why is this kidnapping story very movie like experience? What will elevate it over any other mundane story, where to get those big pointy stakes?  So I came up with this, there is these, ancient artifacts hidden around a wasteland. They are called podiums they look like a slot machine, but got screen like in a computer. And it screen, that has operation system (OS) that is write very forgotten mystical language also it screen is touch screen.

  1. Later I throw away this podium experiment an instead that there is different collectable a magical radio person heads, more about them later.
  2. More later podiums return in Evil Island saga where there is obelisk of oblivion a great weapon that need two podiums to a work, It is a sailing story where heroes try fishing these podiums out off ancient shipwreck.   
The OS it is also very non-user-friendly, almost like it been made intentionally illogical.  These mysterious podiums hold big power, you see them can summon a forgotten technology, like full working factories with robot-workers and everything.

Not just anybody can use them, but user must be a certain genetic lineage. That goes back to very ancient times. Or it goes over genetic only certain chosen ones can make them to cooperate.
There are three types of these podiums red, blue and green, and every type of podium needs it own Chosen One -- or the key person ~KeyPerson.
So that KeyPerson who can use red can’t use blue or green podium. Unless he or she some super KeyPerson

 There is an awesome book, tells stories those ancient times when podiums were made, and explains it's all.

Also, there is definitely no KeyPerson that is able to use all types of podium. That has never been happened, --like some kind of super super KeyPerson

Every podiums has certain own monetary-system inside it ~or points, and KeyPerson got some those doughs to use its machines summoning editor.

The machine scan a person’s brain and history from worlds databases, then gives that individual only, that much of access and power as he or she is worth.

These podiums so old, that current times only very rare occasions the new KeyPerson is born, to identify these KeyPersonas really arcane task. And cloning is no possible, because it beyond genetics also cant just check DNA and use that to identify KeyPerson just cant it beyond DNA.

But must be a arcane task where use the diagrams on the podium book and puzzle color of eye and longitude of nose and thickness of neck, and many other characters and how they commingle get the right combo.   

Here again the original text on the 3D-blog jump too much, leaving holes in the story so here some light bringing initialization: After it silly mask situation, the new customer the blond speak some and throws then a picture of the lost girl to detective’s desk then she leaves. It is all new case. There was some chat and it all go very well, like normal people do.

When then detective then all his own and peace in his cozy office inspect photo of that girl who been kidnapped, who is actual an adult, he notice that she is definitely KeyPerson, one that can open the blue. And detective has blue podium in a save. He assure it by using his podium book.

Ed has now beginning the podium book later when podiums be diss off his character still carry a book, it is on his persona, but then it will be a magic book where his castle at.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

CHAPTER 1: Detective puts on a mystical mask this grant him, super powers but also send him vision and take of his control. part two

When one use this he need somehow evade dangerous blade that got sling on his direction by balance lost enemy falling on to his direction  this evasive movement must be do by jump over it blase or squatting down or summersault or any fast evasive movement.
  And this is not only the one time trick, but detective use this trick very recurring manner, when he reap enemies and bad guys like a hay,  they newer figure it out, Newer! they are like: 'How? My evil comrade parry the blade, yet he swing him down that is not possible??',
and they look horrified faces them lifeless slices comrade. When It got split There is very bluish background.[1]
Well sometimes they figure it out, but detective just double down it. And hit even harder he catch enemy blasé and hold it while decapitate the enemy
And then they[2] run away. Hero switches LS-sword to a pistol[3] and headshot them all.
 He is so good, that he never do an error[4], but sometimes he do error just because he wonder:
_Why people do, errors, maybe I also make some, there must be some primal reason why no one else than me every time, function optimal._ And then he asks “Are you entertainment”
Some times when he sees an un-perfect action he start questionering reasons for it, just for curiosity, because the “faulty” is so far from him, detective that he is.(nne)[5]

This was where my first post about this science fiction movie idea ends.
And some post later, I return to this idea, you see there was no a macguffin or any plot.

And here still some extra just for this blog:

Usually detective uses LCD-blade that been describe earlier, but later he also use forge-sword that is also laser-blade type sword, but it engine is driven by very soul of it user. It has special stone called soul garnet inside it hilt that is key this soul utilization business: Soul garnet drinking soul of the user and emit then blade but not directly but there is certain tech still between the garnet and forge-blade.
Also later because Ed is shaman, he can evolve LS-Blade to forge-sword in a fly and also devolve it to a key or a pocketknife.
Also Ed feels like he got aura of stagnation and it never feel like breeze when he is around, but it feel like “final” also he can catch enemy’s laser-blade and make it’s hilt to a explode.     

[1] (There is very bluish background.) Especially In beginning I write all like them be scenery in a movie or like me giving instructions to some cartoonist. Blue background you know like fear. Blue: colour of cold and fear.
[3] pew* pew* laser/power enegy gun
[4] He is pasically always like Goku is in ultra instinct mode in Dragon Ball Super(DB S), but no super powers, it is not stealing idea because I write this before Goku got (DB S) and I got idea when I was playing Team Fortress 2, so it is basically me.
[5] (nne) not native English speaker: I use this abbreviation lot in beginning when I start blogging, but nowadays I believe my English is good enough to leave it out. 

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