Saturday, November 25, 2023

wow!! visitors --my page.

 Now I can continue writing my story,

 This next story is.

 So! I turn my this ⬆️

My Movie idea! to a RatRat & Ed my pr2y universe story --full book.

So RatRat is buying spending his reward on local market, when sudently molten core blob of fiery stone like shooting stars all over sky, luckily no one hit near him. Or them because there is also a bar. The local man says to his drinking buddy near tavern "That damn! powerplant it is about to explode but, those stupid inbred owners don't know shit, any normal man could just fix powerplant if get there but all those stupid ugly inbred swamp persons, that own powers station not let anyone in.  " 

It is from local wise guy.

RatRat thinks his business then: "What are that those metal-eggs"

Shopkeeper: "They are one broken entertainment system, before it lead user a virtual world now it just turns user crazy, you don't want that" 

RatRat thinks: __I can't physically match that stupid smelly Ed, but I might can get him using that entertainment system, and when his mind is gone. I stab him! and finally get him good. Then I steal all his stuff.__

RatRat says: "I want it! have monney: here"

Shopkeeper: "Ok, but I warned you"

RatRat "Narf* Narf* I use it as experimental trap."

Shopkeeper: "Ok"

Shopkeeper: "It take any files."

RatRat buys an old movie. dv and they speak  boring

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