Thursday, July 28, 2022

This killer C:macro make, C random like it would be JS:random

 Javascript random is nice, because it is between 0 and 1; So you can like:

 Math.random()*sum where you get then numbers between 0 and the sum

like if sum is 7 it give's random's 0-7. And if you want transfer it out of zero you just add numbers to it. 

  So it good and easy, but Random in C gives BIG numbers it harder to use, here how you alter it similar to JS-random:

#define JSrandom (float)(rand()%32767)/32767.00

Then use like JS

random_num=(int)JSrandom*sum + 1;

But you must, before use that JSrandom, make that time seeds thingy, as usually, that make random more random

srand((unsigned int)time(&t));

How it works? Lowest number that C random gives is 32767 that what they promise. If you then use it to "%(modulo)" random it ensure that all numbers are lower than it(32767) or equal. When it(the calculation) be then divided by 32767 it make so that what was before 32767 is now 1 and all other numbers be between 0 to 1.


Monday, January 3, 2022

Brown noise

Press here to hear the Brown noise. Press again and noice go away. Not bad ;)
You know Brown noise the Brownian noise the Brownian motion A random walk. 

Here some hints how I make it
Say: 2D-plane
  .				.
  .				 .	
  .				  .	
Matrix if yuo will
How presentate this in 1D dimensional sound buffer?
Let another dimension be in higer tenth power

1000 2000 3000... 
1001 2001 3001...
1002 2002 3003...
It depends the size of matrix how get square area walker to wadel around.
basic steps can be:
var steps=[1,-1, 1000, -1000, 999,-999, 1001, -1001];
in 999 999 square where there is 999 step-blocs y is over thousand and x 0-999

At the edges it is different, you want it stay, inside think most careful 
the edges:


Here if you kive it the normal steps; here being the left edge -1000 0 1000 2000 . . . (The matrix is another way up here) you step out the bounds if dice roll on steps -999, -1 or 999, so here walk need to be the different:

var stepsonedge1=[1,2, 1000, -1000, 1002,-1002, 1001, -1001];

I make them edges, to be scarry to that random walker so it take two teps opposite direction, out of them if it is about walk thru them edges. First I thought maybe it teleport on edges the walker back to its original position 500, but then I decide: "Why not this way." . Strange it come this good, that sound, that definitely is the Brownian noise, not all the seeds, if it souds snapping or pounding: Reload the page! the real head scratcher. Here! Is that, there is geometrically 2 between -1 and 1, or is there? The Real paradox!? It makes your head spin. And the dice is js normal vanilla:

function getRandomInt(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); }

--that silent blep* sound comes when sound buffer loop-around back in beginig.

3D BLog has return

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