Press here to hear the Brown noise. Press again and noice go away. Not bad ;)
You know Brown noise the Brownian noise the Brownian motion A random walk. Here some hints how I make it Say: 2D-plane |A|B|C|D|... 1|1A||1B||4C|... 2|2A||2B||4C|... 3|3A||3B||4C|... 4|4A||4B||4C|... . . . . . . Matrix if yuo will How presentate this in 1D dimensional sound buffer? Let another dimension be in higer tenth power 1000 2000 3000... 1001 2001 3001... 1002 2002 3003... . . . It depends the size of matrix how get square area walker to wadel around. basic steps can be: var steps=[1,-1, 1000, -1000, 999,-999, 1001, -1001]; in 999 999 square where there is 999 step-blocs y is over thousand and x 0-999 At the edges it is different, you want it stay, inside think most careful the edges:if((positionnow)%1000==0)
Here if you kive it the normal steps; here being the left edge -1000 0 1000 2000 . . . (The matrix is another way up here) you step out the bounds if dice roll on steps -999, -1 or 999, so here walk need to be the different:var stepsonedge1=[1,2, 1000, -1000, 1002,-1002, 1001, -1001];
I make them edges, to be scarry to that random walker so it take two teps opposite direction, out of them if it is about walk thru them edges. First I thought maybe it teleport on edges the walker back to its original position 500, but then I decide: "Why not this way." . Strange it come this good, that sound, that definitely is the Brownian noise, not all the seeds, if it souds snapping or pounding: Reload the page! the real head scratcher. Here! Is that, there is geometrically 2 between -1 and 1, or is there? The Real paradox!? It makes your head spin. And the dice is js normal vanilla:function getRandomInt(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); }
--that silent blep* sound comes when sound buffer loop-around back in beginig.