Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Curious case of the blinking park

Then they pass thru second prison there, mad king is pondering


-Jou! Arbiter! What you up to!

Enckidoo the Madking wave his hand angrily, make bad gestures, but not reveal any his plans.

They ever walk thru the green corridors of book dimension big castle. Left arbiter in his jail, he immortal, not need to eat a tiniest bit for very long time, still not look awful thin not like anorexic he just hanging there in the jail. There is poop place a toilet. But he immortal beyond, those needs of normal human he god king.    


-Now! There is the park I made earlier

Ed point at the end of it hall opening to outside the sun light, the butterflies trees grass...

You know well done park.

--Sun? You might wonder. --Is there like sun?  You might ask: --Is it like artificial small sun? Kinda like a  big lamp.

 No! The Park is yet an another another dimension that is empty infinite space place except the park itself; that is kind of like big aquarium floating there in dark nothingness and then also a distant sun, make it park always summer, but not always day. The sun does not move neither the park- aquarium-box, but it kind of jump between the dimensions where everyone has its own sun locate different places still and silent. Every half second the blinking box go another dimension, all this dimension hopping make look like the day go by, there is two half seconds in second and sixty second in minute and sixty minute in hour and twenty four hours in day. That makes up to 172800 dimensions all endless, just for one pleasing park. Tomes powers inside itself truly is infinite. 

RatRat looks third prison, that they pass thru it sides that long corridor leading to a silly secretly blinking park.


--That jail for golden Kalbo? The mad writer, but he dead.


--Yes he dead.

There is only a hide of golden Kalbo there.


--But he might turn back living, if like mad god get his ceil and he might have some spell or item that cancel dead, also there still might be his soul inside that cell.

Ed stops for moment like thinking certain idea.


--Wait that gives me idea.

-- Prithee RayRay, let’s run now fast inside the park there locates my trophy room.

Earlier! When Green Kalbo still was leader of this odd squad, and RatRat float around his tiny UFO-ships, and Ed was there too. He, Green Kalbo, was the one that close jail door front of the dizzy face of the mad king Enckidoo thus seal his future to a silent tomb that the book dimension was.

Green Kalbo:

--Huh we prevent the End of everything by jailing these three.

Ed follows Green Kalbo


 --It warm here. Me like this green castle. It is nice. Cozy!

Green Kalbo holding the tome.

Green Kalbo:

--Next! We need never come back and... and destroy this book then they never get out. Also find those lost pages. So no one can release them.



He flying around his tiny UFO at the big green chamber, those has much in castle.

Ed (shout):

--I like in here!

Return back at the present time. I mean that was flashback.

RatRat runs all the four, to keeping up with Ed.

They already on the nice looking nature park, RatRat gasp and pant


--Why so fuss, all the suddenly.


--Now that Green Kalbo get away, I get idea where to get optional brainy piece to make that your forest.


--Forest? I want universe.


--Yes universe...


--Green Kalbo get why .... What you mean. You say that he returns his dimension, and that is why we never counter him again.

Ed turns silent and suspicious mind.

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