Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happens before

They do them colossal weapons for some time all them contestant, and there is Prime too to televised it all to the masses by similar a big flying table-TV as the late Galaxy King were using when he make that menacing speed about to froze the World planet, by emerge his secret space station the DeathMoon out of the WorldStarSun where he been hiding since it after loose universes super civil war.

It! This his space station the DeathMoon like slurps whole sun when it remerges out of it, it been hiding deep inside it, and then that will make big winter, biggest winter ever and night that never end.
But icy hell time period newer ever happened because: --Luckily! Ed travels back in time just when first snow snowflake start falling, and prevent it.

As before Galaxy king park his big TV rocket over the heroes and begin to mock them by his big evil plan to froze the world, by the exhausting the sun, like time line before, but this time Ed jumps at the TV rocket and hanging on it by his bare hands thru empty space as it return to the deathmoon station. There he swinging his laser sword and shot enemies until reach Galaxy king and safe the world planet.

This all will still happen still happen in Pr2y Pray two after book 1 I will continue that story later, but I want now do this story firs. But this I will still reveal the next at the Pr2y Pray two after book 1
Soon in there will Ed summon out his pocket dimension green castle.

But before that there is small story, about previous mask owner, that explains how evil bad guy cheat death this time, there will be RatRat’s dad too Big-old-ratty, in that small story it got reveal  that previous mask owner where kahoot with Evil Bad Guy and them discuss about buying slaves! To a man cave, and the previous mask owner Kick Big-old-ratty to the river bank where he been fishing because he (Big-old-ratty) suggest that the previous mask owner and Evil Bad Guy are much more than just friends because he visit his cave so much.

Anyways there in outside:

 There were a Doctor his hands all bloody and he say then:


--Alas secret of life was beyond my abilities.

Dead Mia levitating and be bulled to a particular location like there was some wind or magnetism. The location that pulling her in is Evil Bad guys cave. Only the pole that she been rope in by Cain(Doctor) is only thing that keep her intact.


--But I anciently burst open some secret vessel of time travelling juice capsules, and now them ... time endowing whirlpool... endorsing?

Not only it, travel only in space xyz-coordinates to the closer the cave, but also in time It will go back in time just before you originally kill Evil Bad guy and then inform him about your arrival and it will change timeline. If someone release her.


--Yes! Queen of filth spider queen has forsaken the rodenites, and work now for Evil Bad Guy and give him all the time travelling juice than instead us.

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