Thursday, May 28, 2020

How all slowly recovering from blast

The fire blast from the rocket gets also in the cave where the cultist bee gathering, that long bombastic vertical column sides near the tiny army squad posturing there get them distraught and, burn the general that been front of the standing parade, on to his underwear. Next powerful fire wind make it cultist boss disappear fully on that fire.

Panthera cultist them legion be all floor it explosion make them so, so they didn’t very good see how general boss got engulf by fire, some of them didn’t see it all because they been laying in the floor on a wrong angle. When they recover the shock and explosion and the fire, there were casualties and injures too. But real the most of the fire just sides them.

--I go to see if any of the initiates survive.

Says one of them posing members, and he goes and run there back of the cave, he still lives in the world before the great accident; thinking on the old worlds terms, when there were matter about find new initiates and hold up the traditions:

--Bee nanny native power-dive? If the general survive.

And least three others them goes too.

After they go, those who left speak and joke little together, and they laugh, then one of them don’t join common discourse, but trying to think something, member the one thing.

Thing he been forgot, the thing he did not member is that  the Panthera Cultist are a backstabbing shitty folks, it happens there is actually only one way to level up on the rankings of Panthera cult that is just this kind of betray and conniving. Kill a master, and it not like silly way, but off-putting they all have mean face always, that why they use mask, you can’t relate on them at all they are punch of stone face citrus mouths . Yes kill master!; And also making up things that is the other way to go up in rankings, so there is two ways go up at the stairways, betray those who are over you in ranging, and making up ranks and other things, like claim that posses some secret knowledge from hire ups, even there is none above that one know, thus making minions out of peers, by lying and a use of charisma. But if it hoax fail they all go super angry and mad face and try kill and take that virtual position.

So is not enough to be an evil and backstabby and kill much peers, there is also need for layers of lies, and even building traditions just for convincing peers, that I am over the others there, here.  So because those ever increasing fake radiations  they not only worship the Cat Lord, but also other deity to get ideas for those fake radiations.

 So there is pictures and rugs on cave walls presetting those others gods they act like worshiping except tools that really be pious. One picture be like big golden humanoid that has lot of hands. then other has a like toad. Many gods that have been very long away thousands of years like battle other side of galaxy on big war so they don’t know that Panthera cultist make mockery of them for they dirty political game. Long dead god is even better because dead can’t speak or make an intervention.
One of the wall rugs got picture of them boss those panther cultist, his shoulder got pelt made out of skin that Cat lord and Cat lord’s sprit is jailed on big crystal ball that behind the boss. Great spirit totem of cats been made a fuel to the mad cause of bad guild.

The Crystal ball is machine that will take punchcard that they then program Cat totem sprit to do whatever they want, but that is in pass now this all is the belt is in Ed’s trophy room and he free cat totem and free them all from themselves.

That big big evil major boss on the picture still is out there, on the picture he has a tiny crystal ball on his hand filled brink of soul mist, it is how those cat-grenades are made. There big crystal ball got a tab like screeck* screeck* you know.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

As a weird horizontal boomerang

RatRat plunges off the dark devise beneath his fur, and throw that to at Ed face. He angry speaks.


--I Free! Also me Spotty  me no RatRat.

It bounces off Ed head bo-jo-jo-boing* and it also happens it plunges then right thru by parabola fly to the RatRats body like was some weird horizontal boomerang. His body is ethereal because they in a dream, so the tech fit easy back him by one whoosh. Then RatRat again takes that thing out off him and then throw again it to Ed’s face, but this time he actually catch something else that been linger inside him, --a some short of black star wisp, a glimmer ball of dark light tiny as a ray of sunlight.

 And they suddenly, back over the broken bridge; where they were examining what those pesky Panthera Cultist doing there on below. Ed catch it the black star before it hit him.


--This dark shiny apparition, it must be the essence of dream lord that he posses people, --even thru time.


--He might use microwaves, remember Evil Bad Guy got that devise, he call us, it might use microwaves and Dream Lord were using that to affect us.

Dream lord eye shoot another dark start form the broken bridge Ed catches it too, then comes an another and another soon Ed got big pile of them, and then another pile, so that he needed give that first pile to a RatRat so that he can catch more black stars.

The pile that RatRat hold is so big after get another pile over the first pile that it makes you feel no pile can be bigger than that. And you need admire how good balanced these guys have that they can juggle these giant piles of stars.

Then the big metal tubular final hits the Dream Lord and bumps him out off the bridge in the dark chasm below.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Monday, May 11, 2020

What is CSV

It is like ancient json; a comma-separated values


a FORTRAN thing

Firebase is an app platform made by Google

“Firebase apps that can be iOS, Android, or Web apps.”

supports: “(iOS | Android | Web | Unity | C++).” It seems good : ) scalability, and not need fight with a many installations.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

RuleBook??? What?

RuleBook: You can put your Business Rules, into your code, easily by using this. But like why? I ave a school~"Do not mix code and Business Rules" But what I know, maybe there is place for this on a some situations.

Here a better blog about it.

I dislike java :/

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ed's story

Dream lord:

--Then in the year xxx342 we visit in Great Wall of China.

He is showing some old slides from his holiday travels. Meanwhile RatRat and Ed speak together. Numbers of year is mush because it is in dream.


--There is not much for me anymore, but loss and darkness in my life, I don’t know do I even want left.

RatRat got some traumas because he lost his faiths.


--Put you need remember: ...

Ed’s story:

Here little narrative about how RatRat and Ed originally meet, the story is not from the point of view of Ed, neither RatRat’s perspective:

Man drive an old seventies car he passing thru bunch of spines there side of the road, that is well paved. Not only forest, but also other roads and that very same road, but like diverged to a two, also there is yards in a side of road some times, so there is not so much wood them more that grass. But it is mostly uninhabited way.

Then in a facility that is still mighty away, some serious road spend till need to do until it appears; guardian look a television in a caretaker box; where all security camera footage goes on to the many monitors. He eats a bagel and there is coffee and tobacco too and he got feet on the table.  He sits there very ambidextrously. And it is not empty television, but there goes some show that entertain the guardian --not insane, but illegally bored.

Then red alert lamp near him goes off.  The Guardian jumps of his seat and arms himself with a revolver, he is not a fat man, but well fit, maybe little bit fat, and he is a normal regular person.


--It must be those pesky little ratmans again.

He storm off his box, then there in distance some shots and “pam!*” “pam!*” and those shots lightening up the dark warehouse, not in use but waiting.
A car park a man depart, and he go that very same big house. He and the guard meets, --soon.

Mysterious person, drive card before:

(He is Ed)


--Has you still Ratman body in the Ice as we been talking about.

Ed been calling various stores and kitchens all places where might Ratmans occure and germinate, for reach them janitors and guardians for places that got much to steal, break and spoil. He calls them and asks: “Put a fresh kill on freeze, I want bough one. On great prize! ”


--You got lucky I just shot one.

There is one or two in Ice too, but they go see this new body still fresh. Yes it is in a big plastic carpet that also below the shelves. Tiny body still shake and fail, not totally dead. Ed takes machine size of heap of coins stack together, black, out of his pocket stick that in the tiny corpse so acute it is hard to say what he even done, blue electricity buff it and it is now RatRat.


--Welcome back, you are now my servant. You new RatRat.


--Is it good? They only steal and break.


--Yes they are made to a serve.


-- squeak

Apollo? GraphQL?

"[...]Apollo's core open source GraphQL client and server[...]"~Is that mean it is then both front and back end tool?

the Graphql look much like json so it then similar as xml ?

When there is org in end it means many time free.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

What is Flickity?

Flickity? It is content carousel for a web-page .

It is no free :(

Not look much automate; Mine was better

what is Leaflet?

It is like maps; You can make js-map-applications by using it. It probably use google map API.

open-source! it means it is free?

What is Trix?

Trix!? It is text editor, but like for web --blogs I quest.

Yes  also WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How end threads in C#

I finally figure out how to; end threads in C#, it is not a CloseHandle(hThrd) neither Abort(). They[threads] end automatically when the control flow reach end of that thread.

Consider flowing code thing, on Visual Studio WinForm project. That has two threads and one main thread:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
//Those comes with WinForm this is new. 
using System.Threading;

namespace Test_that_new_Loop_thing
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        bool lever = true;//when this is false a while-loop in place 28 stop
        public Form1()
            //then some threads
            Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Looppi_threadissa1)); // this is thread1 it run function that is inside it.
            Thread thread2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(for_threadi2)); //these threads are in places 26 and 43
        public void Looppi_threadissa1() {//26
            try {
                while (lever) //28


            catch (Exception)

        public void for_threadi2()//43
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < 1400; i++)

                lever = false;//lever turn false so while in pace 28 end.
                MessageBox.Show("Now the both threads end");

            catch (Exception)




Yes see extra threads end when they end like main thread does too.

3D BLog has return

Go  to Check