Tuesday, May 19, 2020

As a weird horizontal boomerang

RatRat plunges off the dark devise beneath his fur, and throw that to at Ed face. He angry speaks.


--I Free! Also me Spotty  me no RatRat.

It bounces off Ed head bo-jo-jo-boing* and it also happens it plunges then right thru by parabola fly to the RatRats body like was some weird horizontal boomerang. His body is ethereal because they in a dream, so the tech fit easy back him by one whoosh. Then RatRat again takes that thing out off him and then throw again it to Ed’s face, but this time he actually catch something else that been linger inside him, --a some short of black star wisp, a glimmer ball of dark light tiny as a ray of sunlight.

 And they suddenly, back over the broken bridge; where they were examining what those pesky Panthera Cultist doing there on below. Ed catch it the black star before it hit him.


--This dark shiny apparition, it must be the essence of dream lord that he posses people, --even thru time.


--He might use microwaves, remember Evil Bad Guy got that devise, he call us, it might use microwaves and Dream Lord were using that to affect us.

Dream lord eye shoot another dark start form the broken bridge Ed catches it too, then comes an another and another soon Ed got big pile of them, and then another pile, so that he needed give that first pile to a RatRat so that he can catch more black stars.

The pile that RatRat hold is so big after get another pile over the first pile that it makes you feel no pile can be bigger than that. And you need admire how good balanced these guys have that they can juggle these giant piles of stars.

Then the big metal tubular final hits the Dream Lord and bumps him out off the bridge in the dark chasm below.

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