Monday, June 29, 2020

Sleeping antenna

Gorom levitates there, and then swings his saber then he says.

--You can do like this.

Then he makes a thrust. RatRat be looking his new shoes or is he looking a tiny bug at the floor and Ed look displeased be all arm crosses. Gorom notices this.

--You two! Take attention now! Here! here!

He makes some more swing to an air.

--This important!

-- Why would I to listen, this dead looser, remember his pictures on dead halls my childhood.  I didn’t listen him when he was still alive, so why now! That he nothing, but ghost long past.

Gorom (After making a pirouette):
--This important now!, this ancient ritualistic fighting style, this is the only way kill a supreme leader Morangana.

--Why so?


Gorom gets down to speak long. Gorom landed and take his time, he calm down, and then he start lean on the sword like common working man lean to his shovel at the every moment when overseer not watch over him.

--To being so near animal totem for years, and years that change person.  He come the dreamer the antenna, that is certain vortex or whirlpool or stand that holds rivers of reality, it so much like divert natural flux of energy stream of worlds magic’s, that universe is made of; stir those energies off certain natural holding points, that are really small miniscule, not big volatile vortex like the dreaming antenna.


--It always same story; They start channelling such a power, they first think, to be all powerful real world shaker, and they are, but soon they fall sleep like state, fall in them own reality, but it look like sleep for outside. Sleep and ; And this happened every time, to them who try capture and slave animal totem.  We gods call them living antennas.

--So what?

--When.. don’t  fight against dreamer on our world, don’t wake him up, I mean fight in his dream world that he been conjure. The dream blade dance, the fighting way I teach to you. Now.
When the dreaming pole wake up, those energy winds he holding, seeks fast new antennas, very rabid. Explosion so powerful it kills anything, even god, countless worlds will be doomed.

--You stupid! First a whirlpool now antenna. Stupid!

--Stupid again? You filled hate and maliciousness, but lack imaginary talent express all that negativity.

RatRat seems to get it, so Gorom fly back and start showing things, teaching the art. Ed snarl in anger “disrespect”.

--So let’s continue the Dream sleep blade dance is mix of magic and martial arts where you dance between realities, even for god it make countless of millenniums... to master.
Gorom flip his sword a new way: “like this.”

--I am ready.

--Already? You don’t even see all my moves.

--I figure rest from the basics.

--I figure same.

Gorom give the sword to him, RatRat take it, then he spurn in the opening waving the Gorom’s blade like parade banner saying, no more nothing.

Gorom says to Ed:
--How about you, are you a ready or need something more.

--Have you there some long-range gun, dance is not for me, I shot him from distance he be kill before he awake.

--Here? like me I levitating here?

--No! I mean like in the pass where you are about to be dead, Are you there like on the dead-bed or is this some automatic hologram... Or...

--Save you curiosity, I am middle of many dimensional fight against dark goods, but newer mind that, here I conjure a sniper rifle for you .

tap* Ed catches a magic sniper rifle.

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