Monday, February 25, 2019

Pr2y Continue 11: Kared need a motivation 1

In the Ed’s mom house Ed-mask dark that is black ominous, sinister like electric blue pretty dark blue lighting surrounding it Ed mask that is hanging in a chair corner. It is because there, is no more a good side in that mask; because original Ed has escape it the time vortex, now it is just Evil badgy that fuel it psychic thingy, not only psychic, but magic and a ghost too.  technology, no more yin and yang, but here never was a female any ways like that tao-symbol this different thing, just Evilbadgy then Ed fighting there a time vortex, anyways no more balance. So Ed-mask turned damned. It mouth go sad face. Then motorcycle man that is now taking residence there Ed’s Mom house, approach that cursed mask swirling dark death energies around it. He approach that mask so shadowy corner that he look realy mystery person who interact with that mask.

 Kared look world over that hill top, it is sad waste land. He takes his mask of and he sad also look tired. This his mask even it look like Ed-mask it has not powers like it, but it has some powers. He calls it Drama-mask.

 Taken his Drama-mask out he speak.


“So you said it somewhat 10 000 years later. This! Not what I expected. Nothing”

RatRat:_ Kared? Drama mask? This ancient Ed me pull out it the time vortex is something else. _


“All that my triumph and fights, all for nothing! World is still shit! All that time go sink and nothing happened, where are shining cities and beautiful gardens? No sky skyscrapers, now as me look here over this high mountain this future world, I see everything is even worse than they were at my time and it was bad time then.”

In the distant, Silverline shout his sky library or it ruins:

“Now great heroes! I shall bring to you the best time machine out of all literature, for I have that gif to take things from stories, so that we can go face the Golden Kalbo and Enckidoo and safe the past! And safe reality.”

Kared did not listen, but just sob.


 “Is there any meaning? Everything just remain waste no matter how much I fight, nothing got develop, is there meaning or hope.”

RatRat not listen either what sky man say, but he return tiny UFO and dig out there little and he dig out off there a tiny crossbow.

“I just want sleep. Be no more.”

RatRat eyes go like he was lifeless doll and he start shooting Kared that lil-crossbow and it darts are tiny and make not much damage, but them seem annoying Kared, and some them left sticking out his face and skin, most off them drop dirt.


“No you can’t sleep now, we need go back in the past or all worlds gonna explode.”


“Not only world here shit, but spirit and manners of people too, who so lowlife shoot his friend at tiny crossbow to just get he doing things? None my time. People? What fuck you even are? Mutant?”


“But before I go to seek that time machine consider this.”

Silverline starts doing cards tricks at giant cards, pick any card style.

It is all for take attention of his hand, he go pack his library, but instead going to look books, he goes public bathroom. And then open a window and escape that way.

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