Thursday, April 30, 2020

Realm of dreams

RatRat suddenly wears a sinister brown hood, and there is his very good old friend, or who knows they all look so similar, this one has white spot on his head, not like in the ice zone, Spotty don’t betray him, like all done on there in ever breaking Ice zone.

 It nice, but then he notices not only he have a weird cape, but also that he is no longer RatRat at all, but thin bony tall man, and he stab Spotty, and finds his hands then bloody, and it was like
 involuntary thing, dream thing and he look his dead lying friend there in at the gallery floor on a red carpet, and then he look his bloody hand, and he feels weird power streaming sensation flowing thru him, gallery turn fire and gold, and he  grows, he look again and Spotty been stealed and there been some strange human instead.

Then RatRat hears a mysterious voice:


--Yes! Yes! Feel the power; this is the cat-totem power, breaking of the bonds! 

Voice continues:

-- Yah! Break the rulzz and Cat lord reward you plenty he is master of disappointment and apathy.

--This no nice, no wonder Ed newer use Cat-totem.

Mysterious voice:

--Rulezz are made for to break what is the important is conquer souls by big disappointment and make them loss spirit to a system or anything.


--Whoa! that’s me I quest I need convert now.

Then Ed is there too,


--Dream Lord somehow, but us to a sleep he transcendent somehow time and place.

--Follow me!

Ed goes nearest bathroom, RatRat follows, but Ed need tap his hand slightly.




--I come for you, you just sleep and sleep. Evil Bad Guy already shows all his plans, he make those fail dead cultist to an ugly zombies, they were very ugly, but then he throw veil over them so then they look scary ghosts..  There happen many things it was very convoluted plan.


--No! Why we go in this bathroom. 

--Oh! Dream lord can’t speak any words, but uses images and by symbol and using memories, you can only speak dream lord that way too.

--That’s why we go bathroom




--Yes! All this Dream Lord tries express to us; boring happenings of his life, and teach lessons us younglings.

 --We need to devaluate him life experience and show him what we real thinks about all this. And show that we don’t value his life.


--I am not sure that; that is what he try to tell.


--Who cares what his means are. We want out.

--So what every dream he tries to throw us. We go and find, ugliness on there, until he hate us so 
much that he throws us,  back to our own dream, then we can wake up.


--Our dreams.

RatRat members his dreams, and thinks: _Those so sadly my life there only darkness._


--Yes! We need get out this dream zone; back to our own dream there we got control.


-- How you end up here! I come here my own will?


--I tell you already, I was wake already before, I never even enter this realm of dreams, but go and see the plan of Evil Bad Guy, but then when you did not wake up, I press the rewind button, and then in second sleep I enter here.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Dream Lord look ugly after explosion

Then when all flames are clear, and the broken bridge is a clear again, there is no clothes or skin on the Dream Lord bloody skinless mess; and his head scary too bloody red scull and nasty grin, show all the tooth and eyes like newer sleep, there is also the bad showing of the white bones.

Dream Lord:


 You know the paddle boat? When it paddle at only the other side, it make it to a turn, similar now this space rocket; when only one it engines is going.

Also when it... “that long rope” it make the rising by parabola way, like... like... when the hypnosis make hypno-clock going. So the movement of the rocket there is certain angular rise.

A little dip; so it drops all the remaining bodies and blood what still were there after the explosion, and there is burble fire in those bodies least some of them.  Then it the space rocket continue that turning motion and it turn and turn until, is make and vibe that bridge clear by it’s tubular body; clear form Dream Lord and his bridge bind minions.

But!! Just before the space rocket is about to hit Dream Lord, he just one time glance RatRat they like look each others.

RatRat is return back all way his childhood, playing his favourite game with his friend and balls is about breaking in old Wardens warehouse and steal stuff and break things the one who get shoot down by the guardians is the one who lose the game, --the play of breaking and stealing.

When sun arise they laugh at deep dark corners for all fail ones, they clones not miss individual ones.

RatRat is just hanging there with them, great friends and laugh and play, but then he turn around. And then them all were gone, there was nice summer forest. But now there is only darkness and chill coldness, and he notices to be on fragile ice. He try walk at the most carefully, but it soon breaks, and all chards of ice are like one his childhood friend abandoning him, he though to falling a lot, but instead that he soon find himself on the another ice lake, it cavern maybe? That lake lose too after whey steps, just fragile ice after fragile ice, there is no escape, incredible sorrow and feeling of betray, there is no solid footing in his soul, but ever falling deeper into the darkness.

Also then Rat -saint comes, and says to him.

Rat -saint:

--You fail me, You suck!

Show middle finger, then it go away, It was like big levitating European Hamster on golden tunic and pope-hat and angel wings and hymn book. His aura was last light there now RatRat is sinking to tar or bog

All is loss! and he don’t know where to go, because where ever he go there is more falling and darkness, no escape.


--I sink in, Boo-Hoo ...

Then suddenly! He notices path, it looks pretty alien.

Alien, like it has tentacles sprouting out of it and tiny UFO’s sparkle around it, but least it seems solid there, only think that seem  like can hold RatRat.

 it appears near him, that snake thru landscape, like being long text telling something, foreign.


--Finally something solid to walk, I take this living road and run, where ever it go.

RatRat sluice down odd-path, there is opening out the ever falling lake.

Now RatRat is in a hall or labyrinth, where every side have them own movie going, is someone’s life happenings there not RatRats, like war, and childhood and other things.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Broken Bridge litter by old dried up blood, guts and tiny limbs.

Broken Bridge litter by old dried up blood, guts and tiny limbs.
--So what they,.. [Very wondering way...]Aiming to do here? To a posses that space rocket by a cat spirit by sacrificing those loss younglings to it?   
--No, that is just suitable hole for [Says cool way] the initiation ritual.
--And make very super spelled space rocket.
--Why? From where they acquire it? This is deep in underground. 
--shss!  I don’t know, maybe it was just hanging nearby, when they figure out the ritual, this is ancient facility before war and other bad things...
--[ malicious]squeak!* squeak!*
 Dream Lord is about to throws the cat totem-grenade into the combustion chamber, and he is at the most aiming position like some pitcher, and focus so much to the this small tricky throw that it almost seems like he is wasting lot of time deliberately. So heroes got time to speak little more before the blast:
--If he throw that bomb in there, it gonna just blow up his face.
--No! He has super powers! After he throw the grenade! He will run super fast, and then catch the space ship and use it on his shoulders like it was giant rocket launcher then aim it to the pond down there in chasm.
-- squeak* squeak* yes now I see this big tiled cave so good lit, those red stain dots at the walls must be cases when he miss the bottom. So that was the dark purple light and bulging of the water before. So that is the ritual.
Piuu* Dream lord throws the grenade.
 Then he says:
Dream Lord:
--I need kick the shuttle off the ledge before explosion, else who knows what could happen.
Then he walks towards it, he  but ‘-Oh no!’ the grenade incite prematurely. BOOM!!!
Immediately big purple energy engulfs the Dream Lord, this is not hot, more like billion cat scratches and magic, also lose skull with whit remoted spine of one initiate bang into Dreams Lords forehead.
--NOOO!! Grandpa!
 Ok! It is somewhat hot, but like magically, also it necrotic. It whole bridge inside those purple flames also panthera cultist at cave near the broken bridge there seem to be also somewhat effects, by this accident.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

C# how get Form tick faster?

I try various things, only those who have try a lot, know the context. This now here is the advanced stuff.
Why use the ticks in first place, while(true) is always pretty fast. But InitializeCompinent() newer start or end, now matter which side of it, the while(true)-loop is because there is always certain threading and asynchronization.

So I end-up to do  System.Windows.Forms.Timer tick from that, but it was too slow for the thing I plan to do.

Thread, thread was my mind, so I get idea to spend up the ticks by stop the timer on the threads very own function.

(And I need to make mention: async worker not work here at all, it is for internet stuff, I try that at one point. )

myTimerforTest.Interval = 1; //slow :(
myTimerforTest.Tick += new EventHandler(TheLoop);
... much lower on the code sheet.
private void TheLoop(object sender, EventArgs e)
myTimerforTest.Stop();/*here start the error and I though first it speed up the process*/
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WhileTrueInsideThisFunction));


Yes don't do that in above, it make error so big it shut down a whole computer, it some how make that it newer get out that Loop function. But it give me idea for the way that seem to work. Here it is.

//So this go in Form()
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Loop));
thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;/* even the slowest this work better than the Tick */
... then much lower at the code sheet after Form(): 
   private void Loop()
                while (true)
                    //Here the code
                    Thread.Sleep(10); /* when while is in sleep, it go making the InitializeComponent()-function. */

            catch (Exception) { 


Yes, but this "using thread" is now in the uncharted territory meaning if you close the form thread still looping and other cases might occur that you except more automation, but actually you need yourself write commands down.  

Don't take this too seriously, if you know more official best practice way make fast tick on form() then use it. Soon as I figure it out I use it too.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Shocking reveal!! Ed’s grandfather is the Dream Lord

They enter a big chamber.



He shows   a ceiling, there is broken bridge on a small angle so that they little bit see that there is some kind of parade or ritual going on.

The broken bridge leads to a space shuttle hanging from sealing by a strong robe, especially its leads into it’s shuttle combustion chamber.

Ed rises up to see it better:


--This my ancient history.


--Lets focus to the find Evil Bad Guy. He must be here somewhere.

But he follows Ed to up and foots of them sparkle tiny stars when they fly in the simulation.

Leader of the crow has golden staff lot bling bling at the fingers, but manly not fag at all strong and sinewy is his hand, he no female even he got the bling bling, but he has no earrings, also he pretty old. He got wears like priest got wears or pope except that he got white hood that got golden ornaments, and top of hood has a fancy hat. Rest of the army wait near the broken bridge they are not so fancy as they leader, but there are similarities on them gear.

Two shady dark creatures made from earth and roots, elemental golems –probably; carry tiny rolls, shape like human they viper like snake, or like small people tries escape from a bag.

 From pile front of the division they carry them to the launch chamber of the spaceship. And leader boss watch over, watch them like watching a tennis tournament; from left to right, right to left.


--The Boss is my grandfather; he is also a lord of the dreams.



He telescoping around.

--from here we can see far away. I wonder how far the simulation reach, least we are here safe, or like we aren’t here at all we only merge to the data scenery from this ancient place, so there is no any risk to us, but Evil Bad Guy and Spider queen they are here actually Evil Bad Guy may have nip too big bite form him.


--Hush! Now come the important part.

The Dream Lord takes from his long sleeves a special grenade; a red opaque crystal ball spider over by golden reinforcement, it has purple living like gas inside it that momentarily takes forms of cat like beasts it head, it eye, it paw that then sunk back to a red mist like substance, but newer whiskers. He got fancy scroll too.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Playing a Hearthstone now that there is time.

I was thinking that I been made ultimate paladin deck that cant loose and soon reach the legendary. And I decide to film it, but it was the singing frog

Friday, April 3, 2020

Do you think this is easy!

Don’t tell to a tax-man, but I been looking potential extra ways to make the doe. (monney)
Because this privet detective poo not working, it feels like there is certain miscommunication wall between me and a potential customer.

 This my secret extra scheme for money... make videos on YouTube . Toy channel exactly I am not the manchild I have baptise myself onto all adulthood by “pick you poison” -things like alcohol and tobacco and be an approximation of a gun.

All the adult things like things of that high risk, like have too high bet on gambling and flirt with hysteric female, do the shady business.  Yeah! I been do the dull like a reading of the book and various instrument tool of work lay my desk they can be dull too. Not like toys.

 Look! I just see there is big business opportunity in a toy channel. I also film it black and white real monochrome to show fellows that I am not impressed by shiny colours of modern toys or plenty of them hinges, I make it without joy apathetically just as a business when there here is no other option just now, but the toys.

I will lit my cigarette by arc lighter beginning of every video. Be the adult! Move my hand like I been just end speak about politics or business.

 I been trying get a again... in local bar, to do my routine, but don’t be so judgemental. It is much easier for those who live big town America. When one place not let them in they can go another stadium.

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