Thursday, April 30, 2020

Realm of dreams

RatRat suddenly wears a sinister brown hood, and there is his very good old friend, or who knows they all look so similar, this one has white spot on his head, not like in the ice zone, Spotty don’t betray him, like all done on there in ever breaking Ice zone.

 It nice, but then he notices not only he have a weird cape, but also that he is no longer RatRat at all, but thin bony tall man, and he stab Spotty, and finds his hands then bloody, and it was like
 involuntary thing, dream thing and he look his dead lying friend there in at the gallery floor on a red carpet, and then he look his bloody hand, and he feels weird power streaming sensation flowing thru him, gallery turn fire and gold, and he  grows, he look again and Spotty been stealed and there been some strange human instead.

Then RatRat hears a mysterious voice:


--Yes! Yes! Feel the power; this is the cat-totem power, breaking of the bonds! 

Voice continues:

-- Yah! Break the rulzz and Cat lord reward you plenty he is master of disappointment and apathy.

--This no nice, no wonder Ed newer use Cat-totem.

Mysterious voice:

--Rulezz are made for to break what is the important is conquer souls by big disappointment and make them loss spirit to a system or anything.


--Whoa! that’s me I quest I need convert now.

Then Ed is there too,


--Dream Lord somehow, but us to a sleep he transcendent somehow time and place.

--Follow me!

Ed goes nearest bathroom, RatRat follows, but Ed need tap his hand slightly.




--I come for you, you just sleep and sleep. Evil Bad Guy already shows all his plans, he make those fail dead cultist to an ugly zombies, they were very ugly, but then he throw veil over them so then they look scary ghosts..  There happen many things it was very convoluted plan.


--No! Why we go in this bathroom. 

--Oh! Dream lord can’t speak any words, but uses images and by symbol and using memories, you can only speak dream lord that way too.

--That’s why we go bathroom




--Yes! All this Dream Lord tries express to us; boring happenings of his life, and teach lessons us younglings.

 --We need to devaluate him life experience and show him what we real thinks about all this. And show that we don’t value his life.


--I am not sure that; that is what he try to tell.


--Who cares what his means are. We want out.

--So what every dream he tries to throw us. We go and find, ugliness on there, until he hate us so 
much that he throws us,  back to our own dream, then we can wake up.


--Our dreams.

RatRat members his dreams, and thinks: _Those so sadly my life there only darkness._


--Yes! We need get out this dream zone; back to our own dream there we got control.


-- How you end up here! I come here my own will?


--I tell you already, I was wake already before, I never even enter this realm of dreams, but go and see the plan of Evil Bad Guy, but then when you did not wake up, I press the rewind button, and then in second sleep I enter here.

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