Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Anything goes with title map

First I was making this entry as:

Don’t use Titlemaps

I was about write there about, why use hard titlemaps when you can...
Open GIMP... Don't use paint now: 
There is no transparency you need transparency.

If you use paint, then you need make that transparency at GIMP anyways

 so  why not directly use Gimp: Cut out the middleman
Now when you open new image at Gimp

Make sure that it's your fill is on transparent position

For some reason airbrush is first tool that is presented at Gimp, it all fine:

On second thought let's use paint instead, maybe that good on some 2D lighting in GODOT post

Here link to video about 2D lighting in Godot made by Gamefromscratch

Now I got this nice .png picture ready Me make a Paint:

See this image can be use as bottom to player to walk.
1.There it sprite, 2 check that, 3 Yess!
So here some more
That 7 important stretch from those inner dots
As you see now it all good now see:
That lack of transparent is bad but it not all awful

Yes these platformer tutorial good place learn this good: Like how add the CollisionShape good:

  1. Godot Engine 3 - Platform Game Tutorial: it HeartBeast
  2. and This from UmaiPixel 

Yes this all ready now I just add folder in mix where my remade player character. And so I was thinking why use hard tile map when you can just draw all backgrounds and add some CollisionShapes when needed. Then I watch yet another tutorial about issue. 

So this can be Tilemap:
Save it as .tres

After many steps: figure them out some how.

Behold! My creation!

There seem to be problems, in  CollisionShapes that why I switch debugger "show collision shapes" ON

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